From a QEMSCAN measurement a wide range of parameters can be extracted. The most common are modal mineralogy, calculated assay, elemental deportment, particle and grain sizes as well as shape factors, mineral association data, phase specific surface area data, liberation and locking statistics, and theoretical grade recovery data.


The “Modal Mineralogy” describes the quantitative modal composition of the sample.

The “Calculated Assay” provides information on the calculated elemental composition of the sample.

The “Elemental Deportment” shows in which minerals/phases certain elements occur and in which proportions.

The “Particle Size” shows an overview of the particle size distribution of all particles in the sample.

The parameter “Mineral Grain Size” allows to make statements about the mineral grain size distributions of selected minerals.

The parameter “Shape Factor” gives an indication of the roundness of the particles. It can be used to distinguish rounded particles from elongated or irregular particles.

The parameter “Mineral Association” provides information about intergrowths of the minerals of interest.

The “Phase Specific Surface Area” (PSSA) describes the ratio of the combined mineral grain area of a mineral type to the corresponding combined volume of the mineral. In general, grains with a high PSSA are rather fine-grained and finely disseminated. Grains with a lower PSSA are larger and easier to liberate during processing.

The “Mineral Liberation” shows the liberation analysis of a mineral of interest.

The “Theoretical Grade Recovery” computes the theoretically maximum recovery of selected minerals or elements against the mineral or elemental grade of a particular particle population.


In addition to the various parameters, image grids of specific mineral groups and parameters can be extracted.