prepare ⏐ analyze ⏐ embrace

ERZLABOR is your reliable partner for automated materials characterization and complex resource analytics – ranging from ores to mobile phones. We are specialists in analyzing rocks, mineral resources and manufactured inorganic materials, helping you to increase the resource efficiency and sustainability of your processes and products. You benefit from our innovative analytical approach to advanced materials characterization, providing you with options for the reduction of raw materials losses and thus process-, energy- and production costs. 

Technology & benefits

The automated materials characterization technique is based on secondary electron microscopy. Our novel and cost-efficient approach implements:

  • error quantification for commercial applications

  • statistically optimized measurement procedures

  • 3D sample preparation


  • growth in net present value of projects

  • reduced overall project risk

  • reduced material losses and process costs

  • head grade improvement

  • precise forecasts



Funded by the European Union